Artist's Prayer

Give us Your daily Inspiration
So, we can live a Creative Life.
And lead us away from self-doubt,
For to doubt our creativity
Is to doubt Your Voice within us.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Late Night Collaging...

I had better nights than this one, business-wise, but I decided to walk on and work through my collage regardless of what's going on around me. Not too long ago, I would shut down and succumb within in similar circumstances. I think I've grown and, if not for anything else, this experience is here to show this lesson to me. Today I attempt to create despite the outer environment by moving, ever so hesitantly, through this experience. Slowly, I can re-connect to my Self and remember that I'm not in charge, that I'm only here to allow my creativity to flow through me. I don't need to include the drama and pretend that it defines who I am and, by extension, my art. I try to trust, one moment at at time, instead...

I mentioned couple posts ago that I wanted to create an early XX-ieth century imagery inspired collage. Here's its beginning...

Offering 20 personal development and spiritual growth programs at Higher Awareness


  1. A beautiful beginning! Wonderful papers and great photographs to work with!

  2. Oh I do love vintage stuff. Great beginning. Love the papers and photos.

  3. I do hope the outer life resolved positively since you wrote this. What a gorgeous azo gold on anything. Love how you tore the pages. xoxo
