Artist's Prayer

Give us Your daily Inspiration
So, we can live a Creative Life.
And lead us away from self-doubt,
For to doubt our creativity
Is to doubt Your Voice within us.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

An Evening Of Art~Making

Before I get to the heart of my post, let me express my annoyance with this blogger platform that makes me realize ever more depth to my patience.... I just published this post completely unintentionally, without any text in the body, by hitting the enter key while typing the title.... perhaps one day soon, someone will make my blogging life easier by having this software ask for a CONFIRMATION, before publishing...

Now let's talk artmaking and creativity.... I spent close to five hours last evening on re~turning to my three can see the beginning of the two paintings by clicking the below link:

The last painting I worked on seemed to be asking for some stamp~ing all over the hearts...

I mixed a bit of Golden Liquid Acrylics Carbon Black and VanDyke and off I went spreading the mixture over a large text stamp. Next I depressed against the heart shapes letting the text flow in and out of the hearts....

I chose Golden Liquid Acrylics Transparent Yellow Oxide, bits of Gold Green, Turquois (Phathalo), and my ever favorite Quinacridone Nickel Azo (Gold) to fill the color into my hearts.... I rubbed of paint at random with a damp paper towel ~ aiming for much variety in color distribution and saturation...

Here's a close~up, as well as the very top photo of this post. You can notice the variations in texture... again I felt that the hearts and the text itself required a bit of aging that would accentuate the richness of the composition...

Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of the step in which I spreaded a very thin, somewhat watered down, layer of Golden Liquid Acrylics Titan Buff with my palette knife's edges. I wanted to bring up to the surface the uneven background first created with a coarse application of gesso by using a palette knife.
Next I applied two generous coats of Golden Acrylics Heavy Gel (Gloss) ~ again, aiming for much differentiation in texture....

Almost a finished painting (still awaiting a coat of varnish ~ I think Satin sheen is called for). The colors are much darker in the photograph than in reality.... The first photo of this post is very close to the true colors of my paining. By the way the title is ~ 'Love Letter'

The evening begun with the continuation of developing the painting from last week, which actually started about three posts ago with a creation of tissue paper based background.... I got lost in the process and, again, forgot to put my camera to use throughout the process.

I kept on adding more texture to the piece by using rich, deep shades of paints whose names started with 'Quinacridone' and/or ended with 'Oxide'..... I filled the leaves in with greens, reds, magenta, and golds ~ over and over until there was much depth to the underlying layers.... Next, I went over with my second favorite when it comes to aging~texturizing, Titan Buff around the outlines of the shapes and over the letters. I rubbed a damp paper towel over a, still wet, paint..... what to heck, let's add some more distress to it and see what happens.... I also added a heart in the bottom of the piece, but decided to preserve the previous Polymer Medium created shapes in the fore~ground of the heart by rubbing the the white paint used on the heart off the polymer areas.... Here's a good example of a 'picture being worth a thousand words' when it comes to sharing a creative process.....

I applied a very generous layer of Golden Acrylics Heavy Gel (Gloss) to the dried surface....

This is a finished painting ~ 'Fall' ~ mixed media on canvas board...

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