Artist's Prayer

Give us Your daily Inspiration
So, we can live a Creative Life.
And lead us away from self-doubt,
For to doubt our creativity
Is to doubt Your Voice within us.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

... Releasing The Flow...

~ literally and metaphorically~
After almost three months of having my life being put on a slight 'hold' due to excessive hostess~ing commitments I'm trying to find my center again and release my creative flow anew....

When it comes to a literal meaning to the flow release I've been experimenting with the medium called 'Flow Release' by Golden ~ funny thing about the timing that it has found its way to me now. I've known about it de-congesting properties when applied to the wet paint or a freshly painted surface, but somehow it didn't 'call my name' until my own Flow required some maaaajor re~leasing....

Yet I don't feel creatively blocked, it's more about finding, re~membering my own rhythm again. Listening while moving my hand across the canvas. Reaching for a tube of paint without pre~judging its aesthetic valor's, or as I call it: its good~enough~ness. I'd like to make a small digression here~ in the Judeo-Christian spirit of The Ten Commandments, the first commandment warns a person of faith against worshiping other gods than YHVH (or God of the Old Testament). When it comes to one's creative self-expression, the loud, critical, and, often punitive, inner voice demands our complete adherence to the illusory 'standard' of perfection AKA ~ good-enough-ness, which can only lead to our creative blockage. And that, My Friend, is putting a false, bullying idol before your authentic, peaceful, gentle, nurturing, and loving voice that champions your True gifts that you were born with and which's expression the world awaits.... But enough for digressions that, by the way, are NOT intended to promote any particular religious or theological view. I love exploring humans' connection to the Divine through a variety of religious experiences since time immemorial and I can't help myself but to 'connect the dots' here and there when it comes to the gift of one's creative self-expression that, in and of itself, is our connection to that timeless, universal part of us within...

...As for a more mundane subject matter, I just came back from the dog park and completely filled up the memory space in my camera with images of the summer saying its colorful 'good bye' in the prairie setting where Life never 'skips' its precious bit, even in a bone-chilling temperatures of Chicago winter.... If you ever witnessed dogs jumping into the the frozen-solid ponds, breaking through a thick layer of ice, just because it feels like a fun thing to do ~ you Know what I mean! I took couple dozens of shots which I'd like to 'play' with in my photo editing software later on, but in the mean time I'll share few originals of my trip and couple shots of two new paintings I'm working on simultaneously....

.... Please, share your creativity!.... that's how we come to know our gifts, by having a supportive witness~audience of our inner Treasures!

... that's all for a sample of dog park shots (including the photo from the top of this post)....

... a melancholic reminder of fall.... a foggy view from my patio last Saturday morning...

The above mixed media painting has gone through a lot of transformations up until now (reffer back to the previous post when the tissue paper and gesso gave birth to the richness of its layers and texture.... and it's still searching for its final expression...

I first applied a self-adhesive plastic wrap to the canvas before moving on to draw shapes with charcoal pencil and later cutting out selected shapes for deeper texture variation....

I drew free flowing shapes and later on ereased selected elements to create a design that's somewhat random, yet still captures the viewer's attention with a focal point...

Next, I cut out the 'background' parts of the plastic wrap for more definition of the composition.

Golden Fiber Paste is called upon for assistance to build a fill in and build a texture of the background.

I painted the background over the Fiber Paste layer with Golden Transparent Yellow Iron Oxide Heavy Body Acrylis paint.

The last step, so far, utilized Golden Polymer Medium (Gloss) poured out of a pointed tip plastic bottle, as 'drawing tool' to make some 'leafy' shapes...

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