Artist's Prayer

Give us Your daily Inspiration
So, we can live a Creative Life.
And lead us away from self-doubt,
For to doubt our creativity
Is to doubt Your Voice within us.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Finding The Path Back.... Within

My company left last night and I feel quiet disoriented emotionally and spiritually in so many ways..... Creatively I've started two new paintings (one mentioned in the last post) and a new piece for my bedroom. Yet for the time being I'm trying to find my way back within, pass this eerie 'spiritual stalling'.... As much as I don't want to admit it, forcing my Self back into the preconceived routine can only prolong this creative disorientation.

I'm praying for guidance and I go back to the creative-spiritual feast of free-hand writing and connecting to my Spiritual Hot Line by reading at random through Julia Cameron's books that I'd amassed throughout the years..... but for the time being I feel that I'm running on empty and each word reminds me more of a struggle than the usual gentle flow....

I'll check back in before the end of the week. In the meantime, much Creative Blessings to all of You...

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